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Keen Luminous Spray Paint is a phosphorescent 'Glow-in-the-dark" aerosol spray paint in Neon Yellow (wavelength of approx 520nm), with excellent visibility in the dark. For interior use only, it is formulated using larger, more expensive higher quality Strontium aluminate phosphorescent pigment particles, with a higher pigment content, for a stronger, longer lasting glow. Keen Luminous Spray Paint is ideal for health and safety signage, childrens bedrooms, steps and walkways.
Under normal light, it is a barely noticeable off-white lime colour. When lights are extinguished it glows a green colour. The visibility and duration of glow depends on the intensity and length of light exposure, together with the thickness of the applied coating. We recommend 3-4 coats to obtain sufficiant film build for a satisfying glow. You can see an unadjusted photograph we took on the right hand side of the page, which shows an example 4 coat application using a stencil with the number 23 sprayed onto white card. It was allowed to dry, exposed to artificial light which was then extinguished, and then a photograph was taken on a standard phone camera around 15 seconds after the light was extinguished.
Important: phosphorescent material in the can can settle. To ensure properly mixed, shake vigorously for at least 2-3 minutes AFTER the ball bearing is first heard to rattle in the can. If you can't hear the ballbearing rattle, it's because the pigment has settled, vigorous shaking will eventually release the ball bearing to allow proper mixing.
Keen Luminous Spray Paint is supplied in 400ml cans, which are fitted with, self-cleaning valve's, safety cap, use genuine 15 bar resistant containers, and ozone safe propellant. Coverage approximately 2 square meters per can. Touch dry in 15 minutes, fully through-dry in 24 hours. These times are based on a temperature of 20°C, normal relative humidity (60% RH) and good drying conditions. Do not apply if temperatures are below 15°C, especially in areas of low ventilation. Do not use on polystyrene, porcelain or ceramic surfaces.
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