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Bulls Eye 123 plus is a new formulation all-purpose water-borne, interior and exterior adhesion promoting and stain blocking primer from Zinsser. It is formulated to meet future EU VOC legislation using Eliokem's fantastic new Hydro Pliolite resin technology. It combines excellent stain blocking benefits with quick drying convenience, exceptional flow and leveling, and outsanding grip and adhesion on glossy surfaces. It resists rewetting to block water-soluable stains like a solvent-borne primer, and seals off oil-stains so that projects can be completed with just one primer. Remove wax and degrease surfaces using Grax-it, or other suitable proprietory degreaser. Apply using a good quality synthetic paint brush like the Fossa ViperTrim, or by airless spray.
Bulls Eye 1-2-3 plus Available in white and grey, in 1 litre and 2.5 litre tins. Note: Not suitable for use on steel or other ferrous metals as flash rusting may occur.
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