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Fossa Wallpaper Scorer Triple Head can quickly and easily score and perforate waterproof wallcoverings with this multi-directional scorer tool, allowing your stripping liquid to get behind the paper to dissolve the paste, for very easy removal. Triple scoring head for faster perforating of larger surfaces.
For perforating vinyl wallpapers prior to wetting with wallpaper stripping solution, or steam stripper. Allows the liquid or steam to more effectively penetrate the wall-covering. Off-angled wheels cause the spikes to tear outwards across the wallcovering surface, rather than penetrating the wall, creating hundreds of tiny tears in the paper.
Quickly and easily score and perforate waterproof wallcoverings with this multi-directional scorer tool for easy stripping. Single scoring head for smaller areas.
Quickly and easily score and perforate waterproof wallcoverings with this multi-directional scorer tool for easy stripping. Triple scoring head for faster perforating of larger surfaces.
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